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First Author articles
The impact of AGN X-ray selection on the AGN halo occupation distribution.
M. C. Powell, M. Krumpe, A. Coil, T. Miyaji. 2024, A&A, 686, A57
BASS XXXVI: Constraining the local Supermassive black hole - halo connection with BASS DR2 AGN
M. C. Powell, S. W. Allen, T. Caglar, N. Cappelluti, F. Harrison, B. E. Irving, M. J. Koss, A. B. Mantz, K. Oh, C. Ricci, R. J. Shaper, D. Stern, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. M. Urry, and J. Wong. 2022, ApJ, 938, 77.
The Clustering of X-ray Luminous Quasars
M. C. Powell, C. M. Urry, N. Cappelluti, J. T. Johnson, S. M. LaMassa, T. T. Ananna, K. E. Kollmann. 2020, ApJ, 891, 41.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): No Evidence of Galaxy-Scale Hot Outflows in Two Nearby AGN
M. C. Powell, B. Husemann, G. R. Tremblay, M. Krumpe, T. Urrutia, S. A. Baum, G. Busch, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, A. Eckart, C. P. O’Dea, M. Perez-Torres, J. Scharwachter, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, and C. M. Urry. 2018, A&A, 618, A27.
The Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey -- IX. The Clustering Environments of an Unbiased Sample of Local AGN
M. C. Powell, N. Cappelluti, C.M. Urry, M. Koss, A. Finoguenov, C. Ricci, B. Trakhtenbrot, V. Allevato, M. Ajello, K. Oh, K. Schawinski, N. Secrest. 2018, ApJ, 858, 110.
Morphology and the Color-Mass Diagram as Clues to Galaxy Evolution at z~1
M. C. Powell, C. M. Urry, C. Cardamone, B. D. Simmons, K. Schawinski, S. Young, M. Kawakatsu. 2017, ApJ, 835, 22.
Co-authored articles
Probing the co-evolution of SMBHs and their hosts from scaling relations pairwise residuals: dominance of stellar velocity dispersion and host halo mass
F. Shankar, M. Bernardi, Daniel Roberts, M. Arana-Catania, T. Grubenmann, M. Habouzit, A. Smith, C. Marsden, K. M. Varadarajan, A. V. A. Tetilla, D. Angl´es-Alc´azar, D. Farrah, H. Fu, L. Boco, H. Haniewicz, A. Lapi, C. C. Lovell, N. Menci, M. Powell, F. Ricci. submitted to MNRAS.
BASS XLVIII: [Nev]λ3427 Emission in Powerful Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei
Tomer Reiss, B. Trakhtenbrot , C. Ricci, F. E. Bauer, M. J. Koss, K. Ichikawa, D. Kakkad, R. Mushotzky, K. Oh, A. Peca, Y. Diaz, R. Bär, F. Harrison, M. C. Powell, D. Stern, and C. M. Urry, submitted to ApJ.
A Runaway Black Hole in a Nearby Galaxy
M. Koss, T. T. Shimizu, D. Stern, R. Mushotzky, F. Bauer, E. Treister, C. Ricci, C. Auge, H. Earnshaw, C. Finlez, K.E. Saavik Ford, J. Gillette, F. Harrison, D. Kakkad, B. McKernan, M. C. Powell, B. Simmons, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. M. Urry, and J. Williams. submitted to Nature.
Automatic Machine Learning Framework to Study Morphological Parameters of AGN Host Galaxies within z < 1.4 in the Hyper Supreme-Cam Wide Survey
C. Tian, C. M. Urry, A. Ghosh, D. Nagai, T. T. Ananna, M. C. Powell, C. Auge, A. Mishra, D, B. Sanders, N. Cappelluti, and K. Schawinski. ApJ, in press.
Stripe 82X Data Release 3: Multiwavelength Catalog with New Spectroscopic Redshifts and Black Hole Masses
S. LaMassa, A. Peca, C. M. Urry, E. Glikman, T. T. Ananna, C. Auge, F. Civano, A. Ghosh, A. Kirkpatrick, M. J. Koss, M. Powell, M. Salvato, and B. Trakhtenbrot. 2024, ApJ, 974, 235.
Denser Environments Cultivate Larger Galaxies: A Comprehensive Study Beyond the Local Universe with 3 Million Hyper Suprime-Cam Galaxies
A. Ghosh, C. M. Urry, M. C. Powell, R. Shimakawa, F. C. van den Bosch, D. Nagai, K. Mitra, and A. J. Connolly. 2024, ApJ, 971, 142.
Surveying the onset and evolution of supermassive black holes at high-z with AXIS
N. Cappelluti, A. Foord, S. Marchesi, F. Pacucci, A. Ricarte, M. Habouzit, F. Vito, M. Powell, M. Koss, R. Mushotzky, the AXIS AGN-SWG. 2024, Universe, 10, 276.
BASS XLIII: Optical, UV, and X-ray emission properties of unobscured Swift/BAT AGN
K. K. Gupta, C. Ricci, M. J. Temple, A. Tortosa, M. J. Koss, R. J. Assef,F. E. Bauer, R. Mushotzy, F. Ricci, Y. Ueda, A. F. Rojas, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. Chang, K. Oh, R. Li, T. Kawamuro, Y. Diaz, M. C. Powell, D. Stern, C. M. Urry, F. Harrison, and B. Cenko. 2024, A&A, 691A, 203G.
BASS XLI: the correlation between Mid-infrared emission lines and Active Galactic Nuclei emission
M. Bierschenk, C. Ricci, M. J. Temple, S. Satyapal, J. Cann, Y. Xie, Y. Diaz, K. Ichikawa, M. J. Koss, F. E. Bauer, A. Rojas, D. Kakkad, A. Tortosa, F. Ricci, R. Mushotzky, T. Kawamuro, K. K. Gupta, B. Trakhtenbrot, R. Riffel, K. Oh, F. Harrison, M. Powell, D. Stern, and C. M. Urry, 2024, ApJ, 976, 257.
BASS XLII: The relation between the covering factor of dusty gas and the Eddington ratio in nearby active galactic nuclei
C. Ricci, K. Ichikawa, M. Stalevski, T. Kawamuro, S. Yamada, Y. Ueda, R. Mushotzky, G. C. Privon, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, A. C. Fabian, L. C. Ho, D. Asmus, F. E. Bauer, C. S. Chang, K. K. Gupta, K. Oh, M. Powell, R. W. Pfeifle, A. Rojas, F. Ricci, M. J. Temple, Y. Toba, A. Tortosa, E. Treister, F. Harrison, D. Stern, and C. M. Urry, 2023, ApJ, 959, 27R
BASS-XL: X-ray variability properties of unobscured Active Galactic Nuclei
A. Tortosa, C. Ricci, P. Arévalo, M. J. Koss, F. E. Bauer, B. Trakhtenbrot, R. Mushotzky, M. J. Temple, F. Ricci, A. R. Lilayu, T. Kawamuro, T. Caglar, T. Liu, F. Harrison, K. Oh, M. C. Powell, D. Stern, C. M. Urry. 2023, MNRAS, 526, 1687
The Accretion History of AGN: The Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Luminous AGN
C. Auge, D. Sanders, E. Treister, C. M. Urry, A. Kirkpatrick, N. Cappelluti, T. T. Ananna, M . Boquien, M. Balokovic, F. Civano, B Coleman, A. Ghosh, J. Kartaltepe, M. Koss, S. LaMassa, S. Marchesi, A. Peca, M. Powell, B. Trakhtenbrot, and T. J. Turner. 2023, ApJ, 957, 19A
BASS XXXV. The Mbh - sig Relation of 105-Month Swift-BAT Type 1 AGNs
T. Caglar, L. Burtscher, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, M. K. Erdim, J, E. Mej ́ıa-Restrepo, F. Ricci, M. C. Powell, C. Ricci, R. Mushotzky, F. E. Bauer, T. T. Ananna, R. E. B ̈ar, B. Brandl, J. Brinchmann, F. Harrison, K. Ichikawa, D. Kakkad, K. Oh, R. Riffel, L. F. Sartori, K. L. Smith, D. Stern, and C. M. Urry. 2023, ApJ, 956, 60
Morphological Parameters and Associated Uncertainties for 8 Million Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey
A. Ghosh, C. M. Urry, A. Mishra, L.Perreault-Levasseur, P. Natarajan, D.B. Sanders, D. Nagai, C. Tian, N. Cappelluti, J. S. Kartaltepe, M. C. Powell, A. Rau, and E. Treister, 2023, ApJ, 953, 134
Using Machine Learning to Determine Morphologies of z < 1 AGN Host Galaxies in the HyperSuprime-Cam Wide Survey
C. Tian, C. M. Urry, A. Ghosh, R. Ofman, T. T. Ananna, C. Auge, N. Cappelluti. M. C. Powell, D. B. Sanders, K. Schawinski, D. Stark, and G. R. Tremblay. 2023, ApJ, 944, 124.
BASS XXXIX: Swift-BAT AGN with changing-look optical spectra
M. J. Temple, C. Ricci, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, F. E. Bauer, R. Mushotzky, A. F. Rojas, T. Caglar, F. Harrison, K. Oh, E. P. Gonzalez, M. C. Powell, F. Ricci, R. Riffel, D. Stern, and C. M. Urry. 2023, MNRAS, 518, 2.
On the cosmic evolution of AGN obscuration and the X-ray luminosity function: XMM-Newton and Chandra spectral analysis of the 31.3 deg2 Stripe 82X
A. Peca, N. Cappelluti, C. M. Urry, S. LaMassa, S. Marchesi, T. T. Ananna, Mislav Balokovic´, D. B. Sanders, C. Auge, E. Treister, M. C. Powell, T. J. Turner, A. Kirkpatrick, and C. Tian. 2023, ApJ, 943, 162.
Probing the Structure and Evolution of BASS AGN through Eddington Ratios
T. T. Ananna, C. M. Urry, C. Ricci, P. Natarajan, R. C. Hickox, B. Trakhtenbrot, E. Treister, A. K. Weigel, Y. Ueda, M. J. Koss, F. E. Bauer, M. J. Temple, M. Balokovic, R. Mushotzky, Connor Auge, D. B. Sanders, D. Kakkad, L. F. Sartori, S. Marchesi, F. Harrison, D. Stern, K. Oh, T. Caglar, M C. Powell, S. A. Podjed, J. E. Mej´ıa-Restrepo. 2022, ApJL, 939L, 13
BASSXXXIV: A Catalog of the Nuclear Mm-wave Continuum Emission Properties of AGNs Constrained on Scales ≲ 100–200pc
T. Kawamuro, C. Ricci, R. F. Mushotzky, M. Imanishi, F. E. Bauer, F. Ricci, M. J. Koss, G. C. Privon, B. Trakhtenbrot, T. Izumi, K. Ichikawa, A. F. Rojas, K. L. Smith, T. Shimizu, K. Oh, J. S. den Brok, S. Baba, M. Balokovic, C-S Chang, D. Kakkad, R. W. Pfeifle, M. J. Temple, Y. Ueda, F. Harrison, M. C. Powell, D. Stern, M. Urry, and D. B. Sanders. ApJ, in press.
BASS XXXVII: The role of radiative feedback in the growth and obscuration properties of nearby supermassive black holes
C. Ricci, T. T. Ananna, M. J. Temple, C. M. Urry, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, Y. Ueda, D. Stern, F. E. Bauer, E. Treister, G. C. Privon, K. Oh, S. Paltani, M. Stalevski, L. C. Ho, A. C. Fabian, R. Mushotzky, C. S. Chang, F. Ricci, D. Kakkad, L. Sartori, R. Baer, T. Caglar, M. Powell, and F. Harrison, 2022, ApJ, 938, 67.
GALFIT-ing AGN Host Galaxies in COSMOS: HST vs. Subaru
C. Dewsnap, P. Barmby, S. C. Gallagher, C. M. Urry, A. Ghosh, M. C. Powell. 2023, ApJ, 944, 137
BASS XXXIII: Swift-BAT blazars and their jets through cosmic time
L. Marcotulli, M. Ajello, C. M. Urry, V. S. Paliya, M. Koss, K. Oh, G. Madejski, Y. Ueda, M. Balokovic, B. Trakhtenbrot, F. Ricci, C. Ricci, D. Stern, F. Harrison, M. C. Powell, BASS collaboration. 2022, ApJ, 940, 77.
BASS XXXII: Studying the Nuclear Mm-wave Continuum Emission of AGNs with ALMA at Scales $\lesssim$ 100-200 pc
T. Kawamuro, C. Ricci, M. Imanishi, R. F. Mushotzky, T. Izumi, F. Ricci, F. E. Bauer, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, K. Ichikawa, A. F. Rojas, K. L. Smith, T. Shimizu, K. Oh, J. S. den Brok, S. Baba, M. Balokovic, C-S. Chang, D. Kakkad, R. W. Pfeifle, G. C. Privon, M. J. Temple, Y. Ueda, F. Harrison, M. C. Powell, D. Stern, M. Urry, and D. B. Sanders. 2022. ApJ, 938, 87.
BASS XXIV: The BASS DR2 Spectroscopic Line Measurements and AGN Demographics
K. Oh, M. J. Koss, Y. Ueda, D. Stern, C. Ricci, B. Trakhtenbrot, M. C. Powell, J. S. den Brok, I. Lamperti, R. Mushotzky, F. Ricci, R. E. Bar, A. F. Rojas, K. Ichikawa, R. Riffel, E. Treister, F. Harrison, C. M. Urry, F. E. Bauer, and K. Schawinski. 2022, ApJS, 261, 4.
BASS XXVI: DR2 Host Galaxy Stellar Velocity Dispersions
M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. Ricci, K. Oh, F. E. Bauer, D. Stern, T. Caglar, J. S. den Brok, R. Mushotzky, F. Ricci, J. E. Mejia-Restrepo, I. Lamperti, E. Treister, R. E. Bar, F. Harrison, M. C. Powell, G. C. Privon, Rogerio Riffel, A. F. Rojas, K. Schawinski, and C. M. Urry. 2022, ApJS, 261, 6.
BASS. XXI. The Data Release 2 Overview
M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. Ricci, F. E. Bauer, E. Treister, R. Mushotzky, C. M. Urry, T. T. Ananna, M. Baloković, J. S. den Brok, S. B. Cenko, F. Harrison, K. Ichikawa, I. Lamperti, A. Lein, J. E. Mejía-Restrepo, K. Oh, F. Pacucci, R. W. Pfeifle, M. C. Powell, G. C. Privon, F. Ricci, M. Salvato, K. Schawinski, T. Shimizu,, K. L. Smith, and D. Stern. 2022, ApJS, 261, 1.
BASS. XXII. The BASS DR2 AGN Catalog and Data
M. J. Koss, C. Ricci, B. Trakhtenbrot, K. Oh, J. S. den Brok, J. E. Mejía-Restrepo, D. Stern, G. C. Privon, E. Treister, M. C. Powell, R. Mushotzky, F. E. Bauer, T. T. Ananna, M. Baloković, R. E. Bär, G. Becker, P. Bessiere, L. Burtscher, T. Caglar, E. Congiu, P. Evans, F. Harrison, M. Heida, K. Ichikawa, N. Kamraj, I. Lamperti, F. Pacucci, F. Ricci, R. Riffel, A. F. Rojas, K. Schawinski, M. J. Temple, C. M. Urry, S. Veilleux, and J. Williams. 2022, ApJS, 261, 2.
BASS. XXIX. The Near-infrared View of the Broad-line Region (BLR): The Effects of Obscuration in BLR Characterization
F. Ricci, E. Treister, F. E. Bauer, J. E. Mejía-Restrepo, M. J. Koss, J. S. den Brok, M. Baloković, R. Bär, P. Bessiere, T. Caglar, F. Harrison, K. Ichikawa, D. Kakkad, I. Lamperti, R. Mushotzky, K. Oh, M. C. Powell, G. C. Privon, C. Ricci, R. Riffel, A. F. Rojas, E. Sani, K. L. Smith, D. Stern, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. M. Urry, and S. Veilleux. 2022, ApJS, 261, 8.
BASS XXV: DR2 Broad-line Based Black Hole Mass Estimates and Biases from Obscuration
J. E. Mej´ıa-Restrepo, B. Trakhtenbrot, M. J. Koss, K. Oh, J. den Brok, D. Stern, M. C. Powell, F. Ricci , T. Caglar, C. Ricci, F. E. Bauer, E. Treister, F. A. Harrison, C. M. Urry, T. T. Ananna, D. Asmus, R. J. Assef, R. E. Bar, P. S. Bessiere, L. Burtscher, K. Ichikawa, D. Kakkad, N. Kamraj, R. Mushotzky, G. C. Privon, A. F. Rojas, E. Sani, K. Schawinski, and S. Veilleux. 2022, ApJS, 261, 5.
BASS XXXII: Outflow scaling relations in low redshift X-ray AGN host galaxies with MUSE
D. Kakkad, E. Sani, A. F. Rojas, N. D. Mallmann, R. Bär, F. E. Bauer, F. Harrison, M. Koss, R. Mushotsky, N. Nguyen, K. Oh, M. Powell, George C. Privon, C. Ricci, F. Ricci, R. Riel, D. Stern, B. Trakhtenbrot, E. Treister, M. Urry, S. Veilleux. 2022, MNRAS, in press.
BASS XXX: Distribution Functions of DR2 Eddington-ratios, Black Hole Masses, and X-ray Luminosities
T. T. Ananna, A. K. Weigel, B. Trakhtenbrot, M. J. Koss, C. M. Urry, C. Ricci, R. C. Hickox, E. Treister, F. E. Bauer, Y. Ueda, R. Mushotzky, F. Ricci, K. Oh, J. E. Mej́ıa-Restrep, J. DenBrok, D. Stern, M. C. Powell, T. Caglar, K. Ichikawa. I. Wong, F. A. Harrison, K. Schawinski. 2022, ApJS, 261, 9.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS).No obvious signature of AGN feedback on star formation,but subtle trends
I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, B. Husemann, T. A. Davis, C. M. A. Smith, M. Singha, G. R. Tremblay, R. Klessen, M. Powell, T. Connor, S. A. Baum, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, M. Gaspari, J. Neumann, C. P. O’Dea, M. Pérez-Torres, D. J. Rosario, T. Rose, and J. Scharwächter. 2021, A&A, 659A, 125S.
X-ray Coronal Properties of Swift/BAT-Selected Seyfert 1 Active Galactic Nuclei
N. Kamraj, M. Brightman, F. A. Harrison, D. Stern, J. A. Garc´ıa, M. Balokovic´, C. Ricci, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, J. E. Mej´ıa-Restrepo, K. Oh, M. C. Powell, and C. M. Urry. 2022. ApJ, 927, 42K.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey-XXIII. A New Mid-Infrared Diagnostic for Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei
R. W. Pfeifle, C. Ricci, P. G. Boorman, M. Stalevski, D. Asmus, B. Trakhtenbrot, M. J. Koss, D. Stern, F. Ricci, S. Satyapal, K. Ichikawa, D. J. Rosario, T. Caglar, M. Powell, K. Oh, C. M. Urry, and F. Harrison, 2022, ApJS, 261, 3.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey – XXV: Near-IR DR2, High-Ionization and Broad Lines in AGN
J. S. den Brok, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, D. Stern, S. Cantalupo, I. Lamperti, F. Ricci, K. Oh, F. E. Bauer, R. Riffel, A. Rodriguez–Ardila, R. Bar, F. Harrison, R. Mushotzky, M. C. Powell, C. Ricci, C. M. Urry, and S. Veilleux, 2022, ApJS, 2022, ApJS, 261, 7.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey XXVII: Scattered X-Ray Radiation in Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei
K. K. Gupta, C. Ricci, A. Tortosa, Y. Ueda, T. Kawamuro, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, K. Oh, F. E. Bauer, F. Ricci, G. C. Privon, L. Zappacosta, D. Stern, D. Kakkad, E. Piconcelli, S. Veilleux, R. Mushotzy, T. Caglar, K. Ichikawa, A. Elagali, M. C. Powell, C. M. Urry, and F. Harrison, 2021, MNRAS, 504, 428G.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey -- XXI: Molecular Gas in Nearby Hard X-ray Selected AGN
M. J. Koss, B. Strittmatter, I. Lamperti, T. Shimizu, B. Trakhtenbrot, A. Saintonge, E. Treister, C. Cicone, R. Mushotzky, K. Oh, C. Ricci, F. E. Bauer, G. C. Privon, R. Baer, C. D. Breuck, F. Harrison, K. Ichikawa, M. C. Powell, D. Rosario, D. B. Sanders, K. Schawinski, L. Shao, D. Stern, C. M. Urry, and S. Veilleux. 2021. ApJS, 252, 29K.
Galaxy Morphology Network (GaMorNet): A Convolutional Neural Network used to study morphology and quenching in ∼100,000 SDSS and ∼20,000 CANDELS galaxies
A. Ghosh, C. M. Urry, Z. Wang , K. Schawinski, D. Turp, and M. C. Powell. 2020. ApJ, 895, 112G.
The BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey – XVIII. Searching for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in the X-rays
T. Liu, M. Koss, L. Blecha, C. Ricci, R. Mushotzky, B. Trakhtenbrot, E. Treister, K. L. Smith, K. Ichikawa, G. Privon, D. Kakkad, C. M. Urry, F. Harrison, I. Lamperti, K. Oh, M. Powell, K. Schawinski, and D. Stern. 2020. ApJ, 896, 122.
The Accretion History of AGN: A Newly Defined Population of Cold Quasars
Kirkpatrick, A, Urry, C. M.; Brewster, J., Cooke, K. C., Estrada, M.; Glikman, E., Hamblin, K., Ananna, T. T., Carlile, C., Coleman, B., Johnson, J., Kartaltepe, J. S., LaMassa, S. M., Marchesi, S., Powell, M., Sanders, D., Treister, E., Turner, T. J. 2020, ApJ, 900, 5K.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XV: The High Frequency Cores of Radio-Quiet AGN and the Origin of the Radio Emission
K. L. Smith, R. F. Mushotzky, M. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. Ricci, O. I. Wong, F. E. Bauer, F. Ricci, S. Vogel, D. Stern, M. C. Powell, C. M. Urry, F. Harrison, J. Mejia-Restrepo, K. Oh. 2020, MNRAS, 492, 4216S.
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey: XVI. General Physical Characteristics of BAT Blazars
V. S. Paliyah, M. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, C. Ricci, K. Oh, M. Ajello, D. Stern, M. C. Powell, C. M. Urry, F. Harrison, I. Lamperti, R. Mushotzky, L. Marcotulli, J. Mejia-Restrepo, and D. Hartmann. 2019, ApJ, 881, 154P.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): A massive multi-phase outflow impacting the edge-on galaxy HE 1353−1917
B. Husemann, J. Scharwächter, T. A. Davis, M. Pérez-Torres, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, G. R. Tremblay, M. Krumpe, F. Combes, S. A. Baum, G. Busch, T. Connor, S. Croom, M. Gaspari, C. P. O’Dea, M. Powell, M. Singha, and T. Urrutia. 2019, A&A, 627, A53
BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey -- XIII. The nature of the most luminous obscured AGN in the low-redshift universe
R. E. Bär, B. Trakhtenbrot, K. Oh, M. J. Koss, O. I. Wong, C. Ricci, K. Schawinski, A. K. Weigel, L. F. Sartori, K. Ichikawa, N. J. Secrest, D. Stern, F. Pacucci, R. Mushotzky, M. C. Powell, F. Ricci, K. L. Smith, I. Lamperti, and C. M. Urry. 2019, MNRAS, 489, 3073B.
A Long hard-X-ray Look at the Dual Active Galactic Nuclei of M51 with NUSTAR
M. Brightman, M. Balokovic, M. Koss, D. M. Alexander, A. Annuar, H. Earnshaw, P. Gandhi, F. A.Harrison, A. E. Hornschemeier, B. Lehmer, M. C. Powell, A. Ptak, B. Rangelov, T. P. Roberts, D. Stern, D. J. Walton, A. Zezas. 2018, ApJ, 867, 110B.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): SOFIA detects spatially-resolved [C II] emission in the luminous AGN HE0433-1028
G. Busch, B. Husemann, I. Smirnova-Pinchukova, A. Eckart, S. A. Baum, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, N. Fazeli, C. Fischer, M. Gaspari, ,R. Klein, M. Krumpe, R. McElroy, C. P. O’Dea, M. A. Perez-Torres, M. C. Powell, A. Sanchez-Monge, J. Scharwachter, G. R. Tremblay, and T. Urrutia. 2018, ApJL, 866L, 9B.
A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole
Tremblay, G. R., Combes, F., Oonk, J. B. R., Russell, H. R., McDonald, M. A., Gaspari, M., Husemann, B., Nulsen, P. E. J., McNamara, B. R., Hamer, S. L., O’Dea, C. P., Baum, S. A., Davis, T. A., Donahue, M., Voit, G. M., Edge, A. C., Blanton, E. L., Bremer, M. N., Bulbul, E., Clarke, T. E., David, L. P., Edwards, L. O. V., Eggerman, D., Fabian, A. C., Forman, W. R., Jones, C., Kerman, N., Kraft, R. P., Li, Y., Powell, M., Randall, S., Salome, P., Simionescu, A., Su, Y., Sun, M., Urry C. M., Vantyghem, A. N., Wilkes, B. J., & ZuHone, J. A. 2018, ApJ, 865, 13T.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Mrk 1018 halts dimming and experiences strong short-term variability
M. Krumpe, B. Husemann, G. R. Tremblay, T. Urrutia, M. Powell, T. A. Davis, J. Scharwächter, J. Dexter, G. Busch, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, A. Eckart, R. E. McElroy, M. Perez-Torres, G. Leung. 2017, A&A, 607, L9.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS)
B. Husemann, G. R. Tremblay, T. Davis, G. Busch, R. McElroy, J. Neumann, T. Urrutia, M. Krumpe, J. Scharwaechter, M. Powell, M. Perez-Torrez and the CARS Team. 2017, The ESO Messenger, 169, 42.
iPTF16fnl: a faint and fast tidal disruption event in an E+A galaxy
N. Blagorodnova, S. Gezari, T. Hung , S. R. Kulkarni, S. B. Cenko, D. R. Pasham, L. Yan, I. Arcavi, S. Ben-Ami, B. D. Bue, T. Cantwell, Y. Cao, A. J. Castro-Tirado, R. Fender, C. Fremling, A. Gal-Yam, A. Y. Q. Ho, A. Horesh, G. Hosseinzadeh, M. M. Kasliwal, A. K. .H. Kong, R. R. Laher, G. Leloudas, R. Lunnan, F. J. Masci, K. Mooley, J. D. Neill, P. Nugen, M. Powell, A. F. Valeev, P. M. Vreeswijk, R. Walters, P. Wozniak. 2017, ApJ, 844, 46.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): What is Causing Mrk 1018’s return to the Shadows after 30 Years?
B. Husemann, T. Urrutia, G. R. Tremblay, M. Krumpe, J. Dexter, G. Busch, F. Combes, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, A. Eckart, R. E. McElroy, M. Perez-Torres, M. Powell and J. Scharwächter. 2016, A&A, 593, L4.
The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): Mrk 1018 Returns to the Shadows after 30 Years as a Seyfert 1
R. E. McElroy, B. Husemann, S. M. Croom, T. A. Davis, V. N. Bennert, G. Busch, F. Combes, A. Eckart, M. Perez-Torres, M. Powell, J. Scharwächter, G. R. Tremblay and T. Urrutia. 2016, A&A, 593, L8.